Cleaning Pop up Trailer

For many people, pop up trailers are the first recreational vehicles bought, and are the best options for economical, comfortable and fun camping. But part of the comfort although not necessarily fun is the process of cleaning the pop up Trailer

Nevertheless, they are easy to tow, easy to set up and take down and easy to store. 

In order to keep them in good condition and to get the longest life out of your camping vehicle, there are some things you have to.

Most of the inside parts of your trailer are cleaned the same way you clean your house.

Of course, when the canvas and the vinyl are concerned, you must take special care. If you regularly clean your new recreational vehicle, you will keep them looking good and work well.

The hard shell of your trailer can be washed with the nonabrasive sponge and soapy water. You can use dish detergent, car wash soap or any other mild detergent in order to make soapy water. To rinse the soap off the hard shell of the vehicle you can use a clean nonabrasive sponge saturated with clean water or with a garden hose. However, if you are using a garden hose you must pay attention to direct the water spray in a downward motion to avoid soaking the canvas.

In order to clean the canvas, you can use the canvas cleaner, for example mix 1 cup of vinegar with 1 cup of clean warm water. Use soft clean cloth dipped in the mixture to rub down the canvas or even you can use a water hose and wash the canvas with water. In that case, you must make sure that canvas is dried well on the sunlight. If you fold it down while still being wet it may cause mold and mildew to appear.

This will certainly damage the canvas. Excessive cleaning of the canvas and the exposure to the elements may cause the waterproof coating to damage. That’s why it is very important to apply a waterproofing spray yearly to protect the canvas from being spoilt.

How to.... from Camping Earth

When finished with cleaning the outside of the pop up trailer, you can clean the inside.

Take a soft bristled brush and sweep the interior of dust and dirt.

Bed linens, cushions, mattresses and curtains should be cleaned or washed according to the instructions on their labels.

Hard surfaces can be cleaned using soap and water, anti-bacterial wipes, or a cleaning spray. All the cabinets that are inside the trailers should be opened. Make sure that no food remnants remain inside because it will attracts pests and can go bed with the changes in weather.
When you have done with the cleaning the inside and the outside of your trailer, make sure that the interior and the exterior dry well –approximately two days, before folding down the pop up for storage.

Visitor's story......

If you live in Wisconsin, you may need to need the knowledge of cleaning pop up campers canvas and exterior.

The weather in WI provides many different reasons to clean the canvas, before closing it up and before storing away for a period of time. Canvas needs to be dry and free of tree sap and other debris before closing the top. Mold and mildew can damage a canvas top, as will the tree sap if allowed to remain on the canvas.

Cleaning pop up campers also includes the exterior to rid the body of salt dirt and other elements that may attach to your camper trailer. Truck pop up and tent pop up campers both need to be cleaning and dry before putting away. Van conversions are easy this way because they just need to be taken through the car wash.

Cleaning pop up trailer camper, whether it is a 2 wheeler or a 5 wheeler, the proper cleaning and care should be taken to insure the life and condition of your camper.

You may even which to use a waterproofing solvent from time to time to add protection to the canvas from different weather conditions.

Even though different states have different conditions that affect the care and cleaning pop up trailer campers, traveling and having fun should also be number one on the list.

Try going to West Virginia once, they have a beautiful countryside and plenty of dirt and dust. So cleaning is important no matter where you go for fun.

The next thing on the list should be keeping your tires and hitch in proper working condition. So cleaning pop up trailer campers and fun and exterior conditions should always be taken good care of when camping and storing away the pop up camper.

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